
This blog is an outlet for my insane interest of the history of the 16th century – the fashion, the social structures, religion, changes and ideas. It will be a wide take on this absolutely fascinating period, with entries covering different areas that interest me or that I know interest others. I will also have guest authors writing entries on the subject.

The aim is to inspire others to believe, like me, that reality in fact by far exceeds fiction. Curiousity kills the cat, they said already in the 16th century. I often meet the notion that curiousity in historical facts kills the “creativity cat”, when in reality I find it to be the very opposite! Historicial curiousity instead cures the cat & truly makes the historical creativity bloom.


As for myself, I’m an incurable 16th century lobbyist living in Sweden, who’ve been obsessed with the period for more than 10 years – through not only reenactment of the period but foremost through reading & studying, with focus on early modern northern Europe. I hope this blog will be an outlet for me, like minded out there, and hopefully some source of interest to others.


3 thoughts on “About

  1. Pingback: Favorite blogs | The lazy reenactor girl

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